Russell Cropanzano

Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 
Industrial Psychology
"Russell Cropanzano"
Mean distance: 26716.5


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Robert Folger grad student 1985 SMU (PoliSci Tree)
 (Master's Thesis Advisor)
Howard Weiss grad student 1988 Purdue
 (Doctoral Dissertation Advisor)


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Alicia A. Grandey grad student 1994-1999 Colorado State (Nursing Tree)
Lucy H. Wenzel grad student 2000 Colorado State
Cynthia A. Prehar grad student 2001 Colorado State
Deborah E. Rupp grad student 2002 Colorado State
BETA: Related publications


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Xu XM, Cropanzano R, McWha-Hermann I, et al. (2024) Multiple salary comparisons, distributive justice, and employee withdrawal. The Journal of Applied Psychology
Cropanzano R, Keplinger K, Lambert BK, et al. (2022) The organizational psychology of gig work: An integrative conceptual review. The Journal of Applied Psychology
Fortin M, Cropanzano R, Cugueró-Escofet N, et al. (2019) How do people judge fairness in supervisor and peer relationships? Another assessment of the dimensions of justice: Human Relations. 1872671987549
Huang JL, Cropanzano R, Li A, et al. (2017) Employee Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, and Supervisor Justice Rule Compliance: A Three-Study Investigation. The Journal of Applied Psychology
Cropanzano R, Anthony EL, Daniels SR, et al. (2017) Social Exchange Theory: A Critical Review with Theoretical Remedies Academy of Management Annals. 11: 479-516
Cropanzano R, Dasborough MT, Weiss HM. (2017) Affective Events and the Development of Leader-Member Exchange Academy of Management Review. 42: 233-258
Becker WJ, Cropanzano R, Van Wagoner P, et al. (2017) Emotional Labor Within Teams: Outcomes of Individual and Peer Emotional Labor on Perceived Team Support, Extra-Role Behaviors, and Turnover Intentions Group & Organization Management. 43: 38-71
Li A, Bagger J, Cropanzano R. (2016) The impact of stereotypes and supervisor perceptions of employee work–family conflict on job performance ratings Human Relations. 70: 119-145
Demerouti E, Cropanzano R. (2016) The buffering role of sportsmanship on the effects of daily negative events European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. 26: 263-274
Molina A, Moliner C, Martínez-Tur V, et al. (2016) Validating justice climate and peer justice in a real work setting Revista De Psicología Del Trabajo Y De Las Organizaciones. 32: 191-205
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