Yuki Yamada, Ph.D.

2013- Kyushu University, Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka-ken, Japan 
"Yuki Yamada"
Mean distance: 106866 (cluster 15)
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Guo W, Liu H, Yang J, et al. (2019) Stage 1 Registered Report: How subtle linguistic cues prevent unethical behaviors. F1000research. 8: 1482
Sasaki K, Yamada Y. (2019) Crowdsourcing visual perception experiments: a case of contrast threshold. Peerj. 7: e8339
Gobara A, Yoshimura N, Yamada Y. (2018) Arousing emoticons edit stream/bounce perception of objects moving past each other. Scientific Reports. 8: 5752
Yamada Y, Sasaki K. (2017) Involuntary protection against dermatosis: A preliminary observation on trypophobia. Bmc Research Notes. 10: 658
Sasaki K, Ihaya K, Yamada Y. (2017) Avoidance of Novelty Contributes to the Uncanny Valley. Frontiers in Psychology. 8: 1792
Yonemitsu F, Sung Y, Naka K, et al. (2017) Does weight lifting improve visual acuity? A replication of Gonzalo-Fonrodona and Porras (2013). Bmc Research Notes. 10: 362
Gobara A, Yamada Y, Miura K. (2016) Crossmodal Modulation of Spatial Localization by Mimetic Words. I-Perception. 7: 2041669516684244
Ariga A, Yamada Y, Yamani Y. (2016) Early Visual Perception Potentiated by Object Affordances: Evidence From a Temporal Order Judgment Task. I-Perception. 7: 2041669516666550
Yamani Y, Ariga A, Yamada Y. (2015) Object Affordances Potentiate Responses but Do Not Guide Attentional Prioritization. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience. 9: 74
Sasaki K, Yamada Y, Miura K. (2015) Emotion biases voluntary vertical action only with visible cues. Acta Psychologica. 163: 97-106
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