Russell Morgan, Ph.D.

Psychology Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL, United States 
Attention, Psychopharmacology
"Russell Morgan"
Mean distance: 21.19 (cluster 29)
Cross-listing: PsychTree


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David C. Riccio grad student 1990-1994 Kent State


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Julie M. Campbell grad student Western Illinois University
Joshua Carlson grad student Northern Michigan University
Ryan Colclasure grad student Western Illinois University (PsychTree)
Amanda J. Quisenberry grad student Western Illinois University
Jarod Wright grad student 1997-1999 Western Illinois University (PsychTree)
Renee Countryman grad student 1998-2000 Austin College (PsychTree)
Dennis Morrell grad student 1999-2001 John Wood College (PsychTree)
Marsha Dopheide grad student 2000-2002 Monmouth College (PsychTree)
Ronee LaRoche (Baraconi) grad student 2001-2003 Western Illinois University (PsychTree)
Jaime Crowley grad student 2002-2004 Western Illinois University (PsychTree)
Seth Michael Davis grad student 2007-2009 Western Illinois University
Andrew Sage grad student 2008-2010 Western Illinois University (PsychTree)
Matthew Jefferson grad student 2010-2012 Western Illinois University (PsychTree)
Garrett Garceau grad student 2012-2014 Western Illinois University (PsychTree)
Sam Duesman grad student 2013-2015 UAB (PsychTree)
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Waddell N, Pajic M, Patch AM, et al. (2015) Whole genomes redefine the mutational landscape of pancreatic cancer. Nature. 518: 495-501
Biankin AV, Waddell N, Kassahn KS, et al. (2012) Pancreatic cancer genomes reveal aberrations in axon guidance pathway genes. Nature. 491: 399-405
Dopheide MM, Morgan RE. (2008) Isotretinoin (13-cis-retinoic acid) alters learning and memory, but not anxiety-like behavior, in the adult rat. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 91: 243-51
Dopheide MM, Morgan RE, Rodvelt KR, et al. (2007) Modafinil evokes striatal [(3)H]dopamine release and alters the subjective properties of stimulants. European Journal of Pharmacology. 568: 112-23
Morgan RE, Crowley JM, Smith RH, et al. (2007) Modafinil improves attention, inhibitory control, and reaction time in healthy, middle-aged rats. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 86: 531-41
Morgan RE, Garavan HP, Mactutus CF, et al. (2002) Enduring effects of prenatal cocaine exposure on attention and reaction to errors. Behavioral Neuroscience. 116: 624-33
Garavan H, Morgan RE, Mactutus CF, et al. (2000) Prenatal cocaine exposure impairs selective attention: evidence from serial reversal and extradimensional shift tasks. Behavioral Neuroscience. 114: 725-38
Garavan H, Morgan RE, Mactutus CF, et al. (2000) Prenatal cocaine exposure impairs selective attention: Evidence from serial reversal and extradimensional shift tasks. Behavioral Neuroscience. 114: 725-738
Morgan RE, Flint RW, Riccio DC. (1998) Time-dependent changes in inaccessible memory Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 5: 523-527
Morgan R, Garavan H, Mactutus C, et al. (1997) Prenatal cocaine exposure: enduring effects on sustained and selective attention. Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 19: 249
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