George C. Thornton

Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 
Industrial Psychology, Personality Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology
"George Thornton"
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Afsouran NR, Charkhabi M, Siadat SA, et al. (2018) Case-method teaching: advantages and disadvantages in organizational training Journal of Management Development. 37: 711-720
Baczyńska A, Thornton GC. (2017) Relationships of analytical, practical, and emotional intelligence with behavioral dimensions of performance of top managers International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 25: 171-182
Simonenko S, Thornton GC, Gibbons AM, et al. (2013) Personality Correlates of Assessment Center Consensus Competency Ratings: Evidence from Russia International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 21: 407-418
Thornton GC, Potemra MJ. (2010) Utility of Assessment Center for Promotion of Police Sergeants Public Personnel Management. 39: 59-69
Snyder LA, Carmichael JS, Blackwell LV, et al. (2010) Perceptions of discrimination and justice among employees with disabilities Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal. 22: 5-19
Thornton GC, Eurich TL, Johnson R. (2009) Industrial/Organizational Psychologists as Expert Witnesses in Employment Discrimination Litigation: Descriptions and Prescriptions The Psychologist-Manager Journal. 12: 187-203
Thornton GC, Wilson CL, Johnson RM, et al. (2009) Managing Assessment Center Practices in the Context of Employment Discrimination Litigation The Psychologist-Manager Journal. 12: 175-186
Thornton GC, Krause DE. (2009) Selection versus development assessment centers: an international survey of design, execution, and evaluation International Journal of Human Resource Management. 20: 478-498
Thornton GC, Gibbons AM. (2009) Validity of assessment centers for personnel selection Human Resource Management Review. 19: 169-187
Eurich TL, Krause DE, Cigularov K, et al. (2009) Assessment centers: Current practices in the United States Journal of Business and Psychology. 24: 387-407
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