John Merlie, PhD
Affiliations: | Washington University, Saint Louis, St. Louis, MO |
"John Merlie"Mean distance: 13.67 (cluster 32) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add traineeMalu G Tansey | grad student | ||
Andres Buonanno | grad student | 1985-1988 | Washington University |
David McKinnon | post-doc | 1989-1990 | Washington University |
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Missias AC, Mudd J, Cunningham JM, et al. (1997) Deficient development and maintenance of postsynaptic specializations in mutant mice lacking an 'adult' acetylcholine receptor subunit. Development (Cambridge, England). 124: 5075-86 |
Guo WX, Nichol M, Merlie JP. (1996) Cloning and expression of full length mouse utrophin: the differential association of utrophin and dystrophin with AChR clusters. Febs Letters. 398: 259-64 |
Xu H, Dixon JE, Barry DM, et al. (1996) Developmental analysis reveals mismatches in the expression of K+ channel alpha subunits and voltage-gated K+ channel currents in rat ventricular myocytes. The Journal of General Physiology. 108: 405-19 |
Missias AC, Chu GC, Klocke BJ, et al. (1996) Maturation of the acetylcholine receptor in skeletal muscle: regulation of the AChR gamma-to-epsilon switch. Developmental Biology. 179: 223-38 |
Tansey MG, Chu GC, Merlie JP. (1996) ARIA/HRG regulates AChR epsilon subunit gene expression at the neuromuscular synapse via activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and Ras/MAPK pathway. The Journal of Cell Biology. 134: 465-76 |
Gundersen K, Rabben I, Klocke BJ, et al. (1995) Overexpression of myogenin in muscles of transgenic mice: interaction with Id-1, negative crossregulation of myogenic factors, and induction of extrasynaptic acetylcholine receptor expression. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 15: 7127-34 |
Chu GC, Moscoso LM, Sliwkowski MX, et al. (1995) Regulation of the acetylcholine receptor epsilon subunit gene by recombinant ARIA: an in vitro model for transynaptic gene regulation. Neuron. 14: 329-39 |
Cheng TC, Tseng BS, Merlie JP, et al. (1995) Activation of the myogenin promoter during mouse embryogenesis in the absence of positive autoregulation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 92: 561-5 |
Moscoso LM, Merlie JP, Sanes JR. (1995) N-CAM, 43K-rapsyn, and S-laminin mRNAs are concentrated at synaptic sites in muscle fibers. Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences. 6: 80-9 |
Moscoso LM, Chu GC, Gautam M, et al. (1995) Synapse-associated expression of an acetylcholine receptor-inducing protein, ARIA/heregulin, and its putative receptors, ErbB2 and ErbB3, in developing mammalian muscle. Developmental Biology. 172: 158-69 |