Ravi Balasubramanian
Affiliations: | Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR |
robotics, biomechanics, motor learningGoogle:
"Ravi Balasubramanian"Mean distance: 16.34 (cluster 17) | S | N | B | C | P |
Cross-listing: Robotree
Sign in to add mentorMatthew T. Mason | grad student | 2006 | Carnegie Mellon (Robotree) |
Yoky Matsuoka | post-doc | University of Washington |
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Pihl CM, Stender CJ, Balasubramanian R, et al. (2018) Passive Engineering Mechanism Enhancement of a Flexor Digitorum Longus Tendon Transfer Procedure. Journal of Orthopaedic Research : Official Publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society |
Carpenter R, Hatton R, Balasubramanian R. (2015) Evaluation of linear and revolute underactuated grippers for steel foundry operations Industrial Robot. 42: 314-323 |
Goins AK, Carpenter R, Wong WK, et al. (2015) Implementation of a Gaussian process-based machine learning grasp predictor Autonomous Robots |
Balasubramanian R, Xu L, Brook PD, et al. (2014) Physical human interactive guidance: Identifying grasping principles from human-planned grasps Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics. 95: 477-500 |
Kohlbrecher S, Romay A, Stumpf A, et al. (2013) Human-robot teaming for rescue missions: Team vigir's approach to the 2013 darpa robotics challenge trials Journal of Field Robotics. 32: 352-377 |
Balasubramanian R, Belter JT, Dollar AM. (2012) Disturbance response of two-link underactuated serial-link chains Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics. 4 |
Balasubramanian R, Rizzi AA, Mason MT. (2012) An approximate decoupled dynamics and kinematics analysis of legless locomotion Nonlinear Dynamics. 67: 2123-2138 |
Deshpande AD, Balasubramanian R, Ko J, et al. (2010) Acquiring variable moment arms for index finger using a robotic testbed. Ieee Transactions On Bio-Medical Engineering. 57: 2034-44 |
Balasubramanian R, Xu L, Brook PD, et al. (2010) Human-guided grasp measures improve grasp robustness on physical robot Proceedings - Ieee International Conference On Robotics and Automation. 2294-2301 |
Balasubramanian R, Howe RD, Matsuoka Y. (2009) Task performance is prioritized over energy reduction. Ieee Transactions On Bio-Medical Engineering. 56: 1310-7 |