Dolf Zillmann

The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 
Mass Communications, Cognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology
"Dolf Zillmann"
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Jennings Bryant grad student University of Alabama (AAA tree)
Joanne Cantor grad student University of Alabama
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Callison C, Gibson R, Zillmann D. (2013) Effects of Differences in Numeric Ability on the Perception of Adversity Risk to Others and Self Journal of Media Psychology. 25: 95-104
Callison C, Gibson R, Zillmann D. (2012) Human Face in News Important but Base-Rate Data Inform More Newspaper Research Journal. 33: 54-67
Gibson R, Callison C, Zillmann D. (2011) Quantitative Literacy and Affective Reactivity in Processing Statistical Information and Case Histories in the News Media Psychology. 14: 96-120
Callison C, Gibson R, Zillmann D. (2009) How to Report Quantitative Information in News Stories Newspaper Research Journal. 30: 43-55
Zillmann D, Callison C, Gibson R. (2009) Quantitative Media Literacy: Individual Differences in Dealing with Numbers in the News Media Psychology. 12: 394-416
Zillmann D, Weaver JB. (2007) Aggressive personality traits in the effects of violent imagery on unprovoked impulsive aggression Journal of Research in Personality. 41: 753-771
Knobloch S, Callison C, Chen L, et al. (2005) Children's Sex‐Stereotyped Self‐Socialization Through Selective Exposure to Entertainment: Cross‐Cultural Experiments in Germany, China, and the United States Journal of Communication. 55: 122-138
Zillmann D, Chen L, Knobloch S, et al. (2004) Effects of Lead Framing on Selective Exposure to Internet News Reports Communication Research. 31: 58-81
Knobloch S, Carpentier FD, Zillmann D. (2003) Effects of Salience Dimensions of Informational Utility on Selective Exposure to Online News. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. 80: 91-108
Knobloch S, Hastall M, Zillmann D, et al. (2003) Imagery Effects on the Selective Reading of Internet Newsmagazines Communication Research. 30: 3-29
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