Sionaldo Eduardo Ferreira, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 1995-1999 | ICB / Bachelor of Physical Education | Universidade Federal de Uberlândia |
2000-2005 | EPM / Psichobiology | Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil | |
2005-2015 | CBS / Department of Human Movement Sciences | Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil | |
2011-2012 | ICB / Physiology | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Caicó, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil | |
2015- | DBBFF / Physiology | Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro |
"Sionaldo Ferreira"Bio:
... a life student
Mean distance: 17.49 (cluster 17) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorMarco Túlio de | grad student | 1998-2002 | Universidade Federal de Uberlândia |
Maria Lucia Oliveira | grad student | 2000-2006 | Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo |
John Fontenele Araújo | post-doc | 2011-2012 | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte |
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Teixeira C, Ferreira S, Evangelista A, et al. (2018) Respostas psicobiológicas agudas do treinamento resistido com diferentes níveis de interação social Revista Andaluza De Medicina Del Deporte. 11: 79-83 |
Ferreira SE, dos Santos AKdM, Okano AH, et al. (2017) Efeitos agudos do exercício físico no tratamento da dependência química Revista Brasileira De CiêNcias Do Esporte. 39: 123-131 |
Ferreira SE, Abrahao KP, Souza-Formigoni ML. (2013) Expression of behavioral sensitization to ethanol is increased by energy drink administration. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 110: 245-8 |
Ferreira SE, de Mello MT, Pompéia S, et al. (2006) Effects of energy drink ingestion on alcohol intoxication. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. 30: 598-605 |
Rossi M, De Mello M, Ferreira S, et al. (2006) P445 Prevalence of apnea and in subjects with good sleep quality Sleep Medicine. 7: S108-S109 |
Koyama R, De Mello M, Rossi M, et al. (2006) P328 Association of ACE gene polymorphism in asymptomatic patients with OSAS in a Brazilian population Sleep Medicine. 7: S54-S55 |
Ferreira SE, Hartmann Quadros IM, Trindade AA, et al. (2004) Can energy drinks reduce the depressor effect of ethanol? An experimental study in mice. Physiology & Behavior. 82: 841-7 |
Ferreira SE, de Mello MT, Rossi MV, et al. (2004) Does an energy drink modify the effects of alcohol in a maximal effort test? Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. 28: 1408-12 |
Ferreira SE, de Mello MT, Formigoni ML. (2004) [Can energy drinks affect the effects of alcoholic beverages? A study with users]. Revista Da Associaã§ã£O Mã©Dica Brasileira (1992). 50: 48-51 |
Ferreira SE, Formigoni ML. (2004) BEHAVIORAL SENSITIZATION TO ETHANOL IS INCREASED BY ENERGY DRINK ADMINISTRATION Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research. 28: 42A |