Howard N. Zelaznik, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States |
"Howard Zelaznik"Mean distance: 15.67 (cluster 34)
Cross-listing: Kinesiology Tree
Sign in to add mentorRichard Allen Schmidt | grad student | USC | |
A. M. Gentile | research scientist | Teachers College, Columbia University |
Sign in to add traineeRebecca M. Spencer | grad student | 2002 | Purdue |
Winona G. Snapp-Childs | grad student | 2007 | Purdue |
Breanna E. Studenka | grad student | 2008 | Purdue |
Oh-Sang Kwon | grad student | 2009 | Purdue |
Charmayne M. Hughes | grad student | 2010 | Purdue |
Tobin A. Silver | grad student | 2010 | Purdue |
Fuwen Cai | grad student | 2014 | Purdue |
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Xiong A, Proctor RW, Zelaznik HN. (2019) Visual salience, not the graspable part of a pictured eating utensil, grabs attention. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics |
Zelaznik HN. (2018) The Past and Future of Clock-Like Timing in Motor Performance Kinesiology Review. 7: 36-41 |
Cruise DR, Chagdes JR, Liddy JJ, et al. (2017) An active balance board system with real-time control of stiffness and time-delay to assess mechanisms of postural stability. Journal of Biomechanics |
Vuolo J, Goffman L, Zelaznik HN. (2017) Deficits in Coordinative Bimanual Timing Precision in Children With Specific Language Impairment. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research : Jslhr. 1-13 |
Chagdes JR, Huber JE, Saletta M, et al. (2016) The relationship between intermittent limit cycles and postural instability associated with Parkinson's disease. Journal of Sport and Health Science. 5: 14-24 |
Hilger AI, Zelaznik H, Smith A. (2016) Evidence That Bimanual Motor Timing Performance Is Not a Significant Factor in Developmental Stuttering. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research : Jslhr. 1-12 |
Liddy JJ, Zelaznik HN, Huber JE, et al. (2016) The efficacy of the Microsoft Kinect(TM) to assess human bimanual coordination. Behavior Research Methods |
Zelaznik HN, Forney LA. (2016) Action-specific judgment, not perception: Fitts' law performance is related to estimates of target width only when participants are given a performance score. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics |
Chagdes JR, Rietdyk S, Haddad JM, et al. (2016) Limit cycle oscillations in standing human posture. Journal of Biomechanics |
Lee TD, Wulf G, Winstein CJ, et al. (2015) In Memoriam: Richard Allen Schmidt (1941 - 2015). Journal of Motor Behavior. 1-4 |