Fabrice Gabarrot, PhD

Psychology UPMF Grenoble 
Social Psychology
"Fabrice Gabarrot"
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Légal JB, Chekroun P, Coiffard V, et al. (2017) Beware of the gorilla: Effect of goal priming on inattentional blindness. Consciousness and Cognition. 55: 165-171
Dioux V, Brochard R, Gabarrot F, et al. (2016) The Young and the Reckless: Does Priming Age Stereotype in Young Adults Affect Speed or Cautiousness? Social Cognition. 34: 324-342
Priolo D, Milhabet I, Codou O, et al. (2016) Encouraging ecological behaviour through induced hypocrisy and inconsistency Journal of Environmental Psychology. 47: 166-180
Dietz J, Joshi C, Esses VM, et al. (2015) The skill paradox: explaining and reducing employment discrimination against skilled immigrants International Journal of Human Resource Management. 26: 1318-1334
Falomir-Pichastor JM, Mugny G, Gabarrot F, et al. (2011) A regulatory fit perspective in majority versus minority support to attitudes toward homosexuals Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. 14: 45-62
Buchs C, Pulfrey C, Gabarrot F, et al. (2010) Competitive conflict regulation and informational dependence in peer learning European Journal of Social Psychology. 40: 418-435
Gabarrot F, Falomir-Pichastor JM, Mugny G. (2009) Being similar versus being equal: intergroup similarity moderates the influence of in-group norms on discrimination and prejudice. The British Journal of Social Psychology / the British Psychological Society. 48: 253-73
Falomir-Pichastor JM, Gabarrot F, Mugny G. (2009) Conformity and identity threat the role of ingroup identification Swiss Journal of Psychology. 68: 79-87
Falomir-Pichastor JM, Gabarrot F, Mugny G. (2009) Group motives in threatening contexts: When a loyalty conflict paradoxically reduces the influence of an anti-discrimination ingroup norm (Eur. J. Soc. Psychol. 39, 2 (2009) DOI:10.1002/ejsp.520) European Journal of Social Psychology. 39: 868-869
Falomir-Pichastor JM, Gabarrot F, Mugny G. (2009) Group motives in threatening contexts: When a loyalty conflict paradoxically reduces the influence of an anti-discrimination ingroup norm European Journal of Social Psychology. 39: 196-206
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