Brendon W. Bluestein, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2000 | Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Psychology |
Psychobiology Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience BiologyGoogle:
"Brendon Bluestein"Mean distance: 14248.8
Sign in to add mentorGalen Buckwalter | grad student | 2000 | Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Psychology | |
(Neuropsychological correlates of hormones during pregnancy, the postpartum and following: A longitudinal study.) |
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Parsons TD, Thompson E, Buckwalter DK, et al. (2004) Pregnancy history and cognition during and after pregnancy. The International Journal of Neuroscience. 114: 1099-110 |
Parsons TD, Larson P, Kratz K, et al. (2004) Sex differences in mental rotation and spatial rotation in a virtual environment. Neuropsychologia. 42: 555-62 |
Buckwalter JG, Buckwalter DK, Bluestein BW, et al. (2001) Pregnancy and post partum: Changes in cognition and mood Progress in Brain Research. 133: 303-319 |
Buckwalter JG, Stanczyk FZ, McCleary CA, et al. (1999) Pregnancy, the postpartum, and steroid hormones: effects on cognition and mood. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 24: 69-84 |