Todd D. Bowerly, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2002 | Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Psychology |
Clinical Psychology, Computer Science, Psychometrics PsychologyGoogle:
"Todd Bowerly"Mean distance: 14248.8
Sign in to add mentorGalen Buckwalter | grad student | 2002 | Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Psychology | |
(The virtual classroom: An application in the assessment of attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).) |
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Parsons TD, Bowerly T, Buckwalter JG, et al. (2007) A controlled clinical comparison of attention performance in children with ADHD in a virtual reality classroom compared to standard neuropsychological methods. Child Neuropsychology : a Journal On Normal and Abnormal Development in Childhood and Adolescence. 13: 363-81 |
Rizzo AA, Bowerly T, Buckwalter JG, et al. (2006) A virtual reality scenario for all seasons: the virtual classroom. Cns Spectrums. 11: 35-44 |