Alistair W. MacLean
Affiliations: | Queen's University, Canada, Kingston, Ontario, Canada |
Clinical PsychologyGoogle:
"Alistair MacLean"Mean distance: 26716.5
Sign in to add traineeJohn T. Arnedt | grad student | 2000 | Queen's University, Canada |
Christine E. Alloway | grad student | 2002 | Queen's University, Canada |
Carole H. Lamarche | grad student | 2002 | Queen's University, Canada |
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Williams LR, Davies DR, Thiele K, et al. (2012) Young drivers' perceptions of culpability of sleep-deprived versus drinking drivers. Journal of Safety Research. 43: 115-22 |
MacLean A, Harvey A, Davies D. (2011) M-J-086 Effects Of Perceived Driving Simulator Performance And Prolongedwakefulness On Self-Rated Sleepiness Sleep Medicine. 12 |
Arnedt JT, Geddes MA, MacLean AW. (2005) Comparative sensitivity of a simulated driving task to self-report, physiological, and other performance measures during prolonged wakefulness. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 58: 61-71 |
MacLean AW, Davies DR, Thiele K. (2003) The hazards and prevention of driving while sleepy. Sleep Medicine Reviews. 7: 507-21 |
Fitzpatrick MF, Alloway CE, Wakeford TM, et al. (2003) Can patients with obstructive sleep apnea titrate their own continuous positive airway pressure? American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 167: 716-22 |
Davidson JR, MacLean AW, Brundage MD, et al. (2002) Sleep disturbance in cancer patients. Social Science & Medicine (1982). 54: 1309-21 |
Davidson JR, Waisberg JL, Brundage MD, et al. (2001) Nonpharmacologic group treatment of insomnia: a preliminary study with cancer survivors Psycho-Oncology. 10: 389-397 |
Arnedt JT, Wilde GJ, Munt PW, et al. (2001) How do prolonged wakefulness and alcohol compare in the decrements they produce on a simulated driving task? Accident; Analysis and Prevention. 33: 337-44 |
Arnedt JT, Wilde GJ, Munt PW, et al. (2000) Simulated driving performance following prolonged wakefulness and alcohol consumption: separate and combined contributions to impairment. Journal of Sleep Research. 9: 233-41 |
Shapiro CM, MacFarlane JG, MacLean AW. (1993) Alleviating sleep-related discontinuance symptoms associated with benzodiazepine withdrawal: a new approach. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 37: 55-7 |