Eugenia Costa-Giomi

McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada 
Music Education, Educational Psychology Education, Behavioral Psychology
"Eugenia Costa-Giomi"
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Costa-Giomi E. (2014) Mode of Presentation Affects Infants’ Preferential Attention to Singing and Speech Music Perception. 32: 160-169
Costa-Giomi E, Davila Y. (2014) Infants' discrimination of female singing voices International Journal of Music Education. 32: 324-332
Costa-Giomi E, Ilari B. (2014) Infants’ Preferential Attention to Sung and Spoken Stimuli: Journal of Research in Music Education. 62: 188-194
Merkow CH, Costa-Giomi E. (2014) Infants' attention to synthesised baby music and original acoustic music Early Child Development and Care. 184: 73-83
Herrera L, Lorenzo O, Defior S, et al. (2011) Effects of phonological and musical training on the reading readiness of native- and foreign-Spanish-speaking children: Psychology of Music. 39: 68-81
Ryan C, Costa-Giomi E. (2004) Attractiveness Bias In The Evaluation Of Young Pianists' Performances Journal of Research in Music Education. 52: 141-154
Costa-Giomi E. (2004) Effects of Three Years of Piano Instruction on Children’s Academic Achievement, School Performance and Self-Esteem: Psychology of Music. 32: 139-152
Costa-Giomi E. (2003) Young children's harmonic perception. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 999: 477-84
Costa-Giomi E. (1999) The effects of three years of piano instruction on children's cognitive development Journal of Research in Music Education. 47: 198-212
Costa-Giomi E, Descombes V. (1997) How Single or Multiple Pitch Labels Affect Young Children's Identification of Pitch. Update: Applications of Research in Music Education. 16: 8-11
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