Malcolm P. Young
Affiliations: | Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, United Kingdom |
Visual cortexGoogle:
"Malcolm Young"Mean distance: 18.13 (cluster 29)
Sign in to add traineeClaus C. Hilgetag | grad student | 1994-1999 | Jacobs University Bremen, Boston University |
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Guo K, Robertson RG, Pulgarin M, et al. (2007) Spatio-temporal prediction and inference by V1 neurons. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 26: 1045-54 |
Kaiser M, Martin R, Andras P, et al. (2007) Simulation of robustness against lesions of cortical networks. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 25: 3185-92 |
Pola G, Petersen RS, Thiele A, et al. (2005) Data-robust tight lower bounds to the information carried by spike times of a neuronal population. Neural Computation. 17: 1962-2005 |
Guo K, Robertson RG, Mahmoodi S, et al. (2005) Centre-surround interactions in response to natural scene stimulation in the primary visual cortex. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 21: 536-48 |
Vezoli J, Falchier A, Jouve B, et al. (2004) Quantitative analysis of connectivity in the visual cortex: extracting function from structure. The Neuroscientist : a Review Journal Bringing Neurobiology, Neurology and Psychiatry. 10: 476-82 |
Guo K, Nevado A, Robertson RG, et al. (2004) Effects on orientation perception of manipulating the spatio-temporal prior probability of stimuli. Vision Research. 44: 2349-58 |
Nevado A, Young MP, Panzeri S. (2004) Functional imaging and neural information coding. Neuroimage. 21: 1083-95 |
Golledge HD, Panzeri S, Zheng F, et al. (2003) Correlations, feature-binding and population coding in primary visual cortex. Neuroreport. 14: 1045-50 |
Panzeri S, Pola G, Petroni F, et al. (2002) A critical assessment of different measures of the information carried by correlated neuronal firing. Bio Systems. 67: 177-85 |
Panzeri S, Golledge HDR, Zheng F, et al. (2002) The role of correlated firing and synchrony in coding information about single and separate objects in cat VI Neurocomputing. 44: 579-584 |