Ella R. Inglebret, Ph.D.

2001 Washington State University, Pullman, WA, United States 
Teacher Training Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education, Higher Education
"Ella Inglebret"
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D Michael Pavel grad student 2001 WSU
 (Conceptual framework for developing culturally responsive teacher education curriculum for Northwest Indian College: A grounded theory.)
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Inglebret E, Bailey S, Clothiaux JA, et al. (2017) Reporting of Socioeconomic Status in Pediatric Language Research. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. 1-11
Vining C, Long E, Inglebret E, et al. (2017) Speech-Language Assessment Considerations for American Indian and Alaska Native Children Who Are Dual Language Learners Perspectives of the Asha Special Interest Groups. 2: 29-40
Inglebret E, Banks-Joseph SR, CHiXapkaid, et al. (2016) Differentiated Instruction: A Culturally-Congruent Practice Perspectives of the Asha Special Interest Groups. 1: 43-55
Inglebret E, CHiXapkaid, McCubbin L, et al. (2010) Infusing Tribal Culture in Washington Schools: State-Funded Study Notes Factors That Increase Native Student Success The Asha Leader. 15: 24-25
Inglebret E, Jones C, Pavel DM. (2008) Integrating American Indian/alaska Native culture into shared storybook intervention. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools. 39: 521-7
Inglebret E, Pavel DM, Lehr T. (2008) Connecting With Culture Through Middle School Environmental Curriculum Perspectives On Communication Disorders and Sciences in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations. 15: 12-18
Inglebret E, Eagle DB, Pavel DM. (2007) American Indian Stories Enrich Intervention The Asha Leader. 12: 1-27
Johnson JM, Inglebret E, Jones C, et al. (2006) Perspectives of speech language pathologists regarding success versus abandonment of AAC. Augmentative and Alternative Communication. 22: 85-99
Inglebret E, Harrison J. (2005) Clinical Issues: Determining Directions for Speech-Language Intervention in Native Communities Perspectives On Language Learning and Education. 12: 6-9
Inglebret E. (2005) Connecting Culture and Community: Washington State University Builds Partnerships With Northwest Tribes The Asha Leader. 10: 1-21
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