Abhijit Biswas

Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, United States 
Marketing Business Administration, Cognitive Psychology, General Business Administration
"Abhijit Biswas"
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Roy S, Guha A, Biswas A, et al. (2019) Celebrity endorsements in emerging markets: Align endorsers with brands or with consumers? Journal of International Business Studies. 50: 295-317
Verma S, Guha A, Biswas A, et al. (2019) Are Low Price and Price Matching Guarantees Equivalent? The Effects of Different Price Guarantees on Consumers’ Evaluations Journal of Retailing. 95: 99-108
Dutta S, Guha A, Biswas A, et al. (2019) Can attempts to delight customers with surprise gains boomerang? A test using low-price guarantees Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 47: 1-21
Guha A, Biswas A, Grewal D, et al. (2018) Reframing the Discount as a Comparison against the Sale Price: Does it Make the Discount More Attractive?: Journal of Marketing Research. 55: 339-351
Guha A, Biswas A, Grewal D, et al. (2018) An Empirical Analysis of the Joint Effects of Shoppers’ Goals and Attribute Display on Shoppers’ Evaluations Journal of Marketing. 82: 142-156
Banerjee TK, Dutta S, Das S, et al. (2016) Epidemiology of dementia and its burden in the city of Kolkata, India. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Ghosh A, Bhowmik A, Bhandary S, et al. (2016) Formulation and antitumorigenic activities of nanoencapsulated nifetepimine: A promising approach in treating triple negative breast carcinoma. Nanomedicine : Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine
Verma S, Guha A, Biswas A. (2016) Investigating the Pleasures of Sin: The Contingent Role of Arousal-Seeking Disposition in Consumers' Evaluations of Vice and Virtue Product Offerings Psychology and Marketing. 33: 620-628
Biswas A, Dutta S, Laha AK, et al. (2015) Response-Adaptive Allocation for Circular Data. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics. 25: 830-42
Roy S, Guha A, Biswas A. (2015) Celebrity endorsements and women consumers in India: how generation-cohort affiliation and celebrity-product congruency moderate the benefits of chronological age congruency Marketing Letters. 26: 363-376
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