Holly L. Mason
Affiliations: | Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States |
Pharmacy, Public Health, Behavioral PsychologyGoogle:
"Holly Mason"Mean distance: 21373.2
Cross-listing: PHTree
Sign in to add traineeSheryl Szeinbach | grad student | 1989 | Purdue (Epi Tree) |
Wararat Anuwong | grad student | 2000 | Purdue |
Michelle A. Chui | grad student | 2001 | Purdue |
Jayashri Sankaranarayanan | grad student | 2004 | Purdue |
Nicholas E. Hagemeier | grad student | 2011 | Purdue |
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Schoelles-Williams J, English DE, Godwin DA, et al. (2019) Report of the 2018-2019 Student Affairs Standing Committee. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 83: 7656 |
Chen AM, Yehle KS, Albert NM, et al. (2014) Relationships between health literacy and heart failure knowledge, self-efficacy, and self-care adherence. Research in Social & Administrative Pharmacy : Rsap. 10: 378-86 |
Noureldin M, Murawski MM, Mason HL, et al. (2013) Student pharmacists' attitudes toward complementary and alternative medicine. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association : Japha. 53: 618-25 |
Chen AM, Yehle KS, Albert NM, et al. (2013) Health Literacy Influences Heart Failure Knowledge Attainment but Not Self-Efficacy for Self-Care or Adherence to Self-Care over Time. Nursing Research and Practice. 2013: 353290 |
Janke KK, Seaba HH, Welage LS, et al. (2012) Building a multi-institutional community of practice to foster assessment. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 76: 58 |
Yehle K, Chen A, Albert N, et al. (2012) 17. Health literacy influences knowledge attainment but not self-care or self-efficacy longitudinally in patients with heart failure Heart & Lung. 41: 419-420 |
Mason HL, Assemi M, Brown B, et al. (2011) Report of the 2010-2011 Academic Affairs Standing Committee. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 75: S12 |
Kiersma ME, Plake KS, Mason HL. (2011) Relationship between admission data and pharmacy student involvement in extracurricular activities. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 75: 155 |
Hagemeier NE, Mason HL. (2011) Student pharmacists' perceptions of testing and study strategies. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 75: 35 |
Chen AM, Yehle KS, Plake KS, et al. (2011) Health literacy and self-care of patients with heart failure. The Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 26: 446-51 |