Ronn J. Smith, Ph.D.

2004 Washington State University, Pullman, WA, United States 
Marketing Business Administration, Social Psychology
"Ronn Smith"
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Eric R. Spangenberg grad student 2004 WSU
 (An experimental inquiry into consumers' implicit preference for hedonism.)
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Das G, Mukherjee A, Smith RJ. (2018) The Perfect Fit: The Moderating Role of Selling Cues on Hedonic and Utilitarian Product Types Journal of Retailing. 94: 203-216
Mukherjee A, Smith RJ, Turri AM. (2018) The smartness paradox: the moderating effect of brand quality reputation on consumers' reactions to RFID-based smart fitting rooms Journal of Business Research. 92: 290-299
Turri AM, Smith RJ, Kopp SW. (2017) Privacy and RFID Technology: A Review of Regulatory Efforts Journal of Consumer Affairs. 51: 329-354
Mukherjee A, Jha S, Smith RJ. (2017) Regular Price $299; Pre-order Price $199: Price Promotion for a Pre-ordered Product and the Moderating Role of Temporal Orientation Journal of Retailing. 93: 201-211
Peinkofer ST, Esper TL, Smith RJ, et al. (2015) Assessing the Impact of Price Promotions on Consumer Response to Online Stockouts Journal of Business Logistics
Tangari AH, Burton S, Smith RJ. (2015) Now that's a Bright Idea: The Influence of Consumer Elaboration and Distance Perceptions on Sustainable Choices Journal of Retailing. 91: 410-421
Hofer AR, Smith RJ, Murphy PR. (2014) Spillover effects of a firm's relationship marketing orientation in the logistics triad The International Journal of Logistics Management. 25: 270-288
Swanson RD, Smith RJ. (2013) A Path to a Public-Private Partnership: Commercial Logistics Concepts Applied to Disaster Response Journal of Business Logistics. 34: 335-346
Smith RJ, Knuff DC, Sprott DE, et al. (2013) The influence of negative marketplace information on consumer attitudes toward a service establishment Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 20: 358-364
Spangenberg ER, Sprott DE, Knuff DC, et al. (2012) Process evidence for the question-behavior effect: Influencing socially normative behaviors Social Influence. 7: 211-228
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