Richard P. Larrick

Duke University, Durham, NC 
Management Business Administration, Social Psychology
"Richard Larrick"
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Katherine A. Burson grad student
Jack Soll grad student Duke
Kelly E. See grad student 2004 Duke
Albert E. Mannes grad student 2009 Duke
Andrew M. Carton grad student 2011 Duke
Daniel C. Feiler grad student 2012 Duke
Min B. Kay grad student 2013 Duke


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Katherine A. Burson collaborator
Leigh P. Tost collaborator
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Tang S, Koval CZ, Larrick RP, et al. (2020) The morality of organization versus organized members: Organizations are attributed more control and responsibility for negative outcomes than are equivalent members. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Camilleri AR, Larrick RP. (2019) The collective aggregation effect: Aggregating potential collective action increases prosocial behavior. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General. 148: 550-569
Schaerer M, Tost LP, Huang L, et al. (2018) Advice Giving: A Subtle Pathway to Power. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 146167217746341
Tong JD, Feiler DC, Larrick RP. (2018) A Behavioral Remedy for the Censorship Bias Production and Operations Management. 27: 624-643
Minson JA, Mueller JS, Larrick RP. (2018) The Contingent Wisdom of Dyads: When Discussion Enhances vs. Undermines the Accuracy of Collaborative Judgments Management Science. 64: 4177-4192
Ungemach C, Camilleri AR, Johnson EJ, et al. (2018) Translated Attributes as Choice Architecture: Aligning Objectives and Choices Through Decision Signposts Management Science. 64: 2445-2459
Morewedge CK, Tang S, Larrick RP. (2018) Betting Your Favorite to Win: Costly Reluctance to Hedge Desired Outcomes Management Science. 64: 997-1014
Kay MB, Proudfoot D, Larrick RP. (2017) There's No Team in I: How Observers Perceive Individual Creativity in a Team Setting. The Journal of Applied Psychology
Aribarg A, Burson KA, Larrick RP. (2017) Tipping the Scale: The Role of Discriminability in Conjoint Analysis Journal of Marketing Research. 54: 279-292
Rader CA, Larrick RP, Soll JB. (2017) Advice as a form of social influence: Informational motives and the consequences for accuracy Social and Personality Psychology Compass. 11: e12329
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