Jeffrey S. Stripling

University of Arkansas, Little Rock, AR 
Physiological Psychology
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Cauthron JL, Stripling JS. (2014) Long-term plasticity in the regulation of olfactory bulb activity by centrifugal fibers from piriform cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 34: 9677-87
Stripling JS, Galupo MP. (2008) Differential potentiation of early and late components evoked in olfactory cortex by stimulation of cortical association fibers. Brain Research. 1246: 70-9
Stripling JS, Patneau DK. (1999) Potentiation of late components in olfactory bulb and piriform cortex requires activation of cortical association fibers Brain Research. 841: 27-42
Patneau DK, Stripling JS. (1992) Functional correlates of selective long-term potentiation in the olfactory cortex and olfactory bulb Brain Research. 585: 219-228
Stripling JS, Patneau DK, Gramlich CA. (1991) Characterization and anatomical distribution of selective long-term potentiation in the olfactory forebrain Brain Research. 542: 107-122
Stripling JS, Russell RD. (1989) Twenty-four-hour post-seizure inhibition during limbic kindling requires seizure generalization. Neuroscience Letters. 99: 208-13
Stripling JS, Gramlich CA, Cunningham MG. (1989) Effect of cocaine and lidocaine on the development of kindled seizures. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 32: 463-8
Stripling JS, Patneau DK, Gramlich CA. (1988) Selective long-term potentiation in the pyriform cortex Brain Research. 441: 281-291
Gramlich CA, Stripling JS. (1987) Effect of pentylenetetrazol-induced convulsions on the development and expression of limbic kindled seizures. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 26: 159-65
Russell RD, Stripling JS. (1985) Effect of olfactory bulb kindling on evoked potentials in the pyriform cortex. Brain Research. 361: 61-9
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