Francine Tougas

University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada 
Social Psychology
"Francine Tougas"
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Fraser S, Lagacé M, Bongué B, et al. (2020) Ageism and COVID-19: What does our society's response say about us? Age and Ageing
Beaton AM, Tougas F, Rinfret N, et al. (2015) The psychological disengagement model among women in science, engineering, and technology. The British Journal of Social Psychology / the British Psychological Society. 54: 465-82
Laplante J, Tougas F, Kocum L. (2015) A Meta-analysis of the Relationship Between Psychological Disengagement and Self-esteem: The Role of Domain and Group Status The International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities, and Nations: Annual Review. 14: 1-15
De La Sablonnière R, Tougas F, Taylor DM, et al. (2015) Social Change in Mongolia and South Africa: The Impact of Relative Deprivation Trajectory and Group Status on Well-Being and Adjustment to Change Social Justice Research
Guimond S, Crisp RJ, De Oliveira P, et al. (2013) Diversity policy, social dominance, and intergroup relations: predicting prejudice in changing social and political contexts. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 104: 941-58
Sablonnière Rdl, Tougas F, Sablonnière Édl, et al. (2012) Profound organizational change, psychological distress and burnout symptoms: The mediator role of collective relative deprivation Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. 15: 776-790
Laplante J, Tougas F, Beaton AM, et al. (2011) Psychological disengagement as a silent response to perceived (present and future) sex-based disadvantage among female office workers Revue Europeene De Psychologie Appliquee. 61: 223-230
de la Sablonnière R, Tougas F, Perenlei O. (2010) Beyond social and temporal comparisons: the role of temporal inter-group comparisons in the context of dramatic social change in Mongolia. The Journal of Social Psychology. 150: 98-115
Laplante J, Tougas F, Lagacé M, et al. (2010) Facilitators and Moderators of Psychological Disengagement among Older Workers: The Contribution of Group Status, Meaning of Work and Collective Self-Esteem The International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities, and Nations: Annual Review. 10: 195-208
Tougas F, Rinfret N, Crosby FJ, et al. (2010) La face cachée de l'effet protecteur du désengagement psychologique au travail: Le cas des policiers Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science. 42: 264-272
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