Michelle Roley

2016 University of Toledo, Toledo, OH, United States 
"Michelle Roley"
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Charak R, Byllesby BM, Roley ME, et al. (2016) Latent classes of childhood poly-victimization and associations with suicidal behavior among adult trauma victims: Moderating role of anger. Child Abuse & Neglect. 62: 19-28
Claycomb M, Roley ME, Contractor AA, et al. (2016) The relationship between negative expressivity, anger, and PTSD symptom clusters. Psychiatry Research. 243: 1-4
Roley ME, Contractor AA, Weiss NH, et al. (2016) Impulsivity Facets' Predictive Relations With DSM-5 PTSD Symptom Clusters. Psychological Trauma : Theory, Research, Practice and Policy
Seligman LD, Hovey JD, Hurtado G, et al. (2016) Social Cognitive Correlates of Attitudes Toward Empirically Supported Treatments Professional Psychology: Research and Practice
Roley ME, Claycomb MA, Contractor AA, et al. (2015) The relationship between rumination, PTSD, and depression symptoms. Journal of Affective Disorders. 180: 116-21
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