Maxime Gagnon, Ph.D.

2004 Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres (Canada) 
Clinical Psychology, Gerontology, Public Health
"Maxime Gagnon"
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Micheline Dube grad student 2004 Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres (Canada)
 (Satisfaction et autonomisation des personnes agees face aux soins et services de sante: Instruments de mesure et variables associees.)
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Gagnon M, Hébert R, Dubé M, et al. (2006) Development and validation of the Health Care Satisfaction Questionnaire (HCSQ) in elders. Journal of Nursing Measurement. 14: 190-204
Gagnon M, Hibert R, Dubé M, et al. (2006) Development and validation of an instrument measuring individual empowerment in relation to personal health care: the Health Care Empowerment Questionnaire (HCEQ). American Journal of Health Promotion : Ajhp. 20: 429-35
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