Cheryl Terrance
Affiliations: | The University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND, United States |
Social Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Personality PsychologyGoogle:
"Cheryl Terrance"Mean distance: 26716.5
Sign in to add mentorNicholas Spanos | grad student | Carleton University | |
Kimberly Matheson | grad student | 2000- | Carleton University |
Sign in to add traineeKaryn Plumm | grad student | University of North Dakota | |
Betsi Little | grad student | 2006 | University of North Dakota |
Lindsay Ross-Stewart | grad student | 2009 | University of North Dakota |
Bridget L. Hanson | grad student | 2010 | University of North Dakota |
Adam C Austin | grad student | 2010-2014 | University of North Dakota |
Billea Ahlgrim | grad student | 2013-2015 | University of North Dakota |
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Ahlgrim B, Terrance C. (2018) Perceptions of Cyberstalking: Impact of Perpetrator Gender and Cyberstalker/Victim Relationship. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 886260518784590 |
Uhl CA, Rhyner KJ, Terrance CA, et al. (2017) Perceptions of Stalking: The Impact of Threat Level and Victim Response. Violence and Victims. 32: 299-310 |
Sommer S, Plumm KM, Terrance CA, et al. (2013) Perceptions of younger single adults as a function of their gender and number of children. The Journal of General Psychology. 140: 87-109 |
Little B, Terrance C. (2010) Perceptions of domestic violence in lesbian relationships: stereotypes and gender role expectations. Journal of Homosexuality. 57: 429-40 |
Plumm KM, Terrance CA, Henderson VR, et al. (2010) Victim blame in a hate crime motivated by sexual orientation. Journal of Homosexuality. 57: 267-86 |
Plumm KM, Terrance CA. (2009) Battered women who kill: the impact of expert testimony and empathy induction in the courtroom. Violence Against Women. 15: 186-205 |
Terrance C, Plumm K, Little B. (2008) Maternal blame: battered women and abused children. Violence Against Women. 14: 870-85 |
Terrance C, Matheson K. (2003) Undermining Reasonableness: Expert Testimony in a Case Involving a Battered Woman who Kills Psychology of Women Quarterly. 27: 37-45 |