William N. Tavolga
Affiliations: | Mote Marine Laboratory, Sarasota, FL, United States |
Sensory Neuroscience, Animal Communication, Fish BiologyGoogle:
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Tavolga WN. (2012) Listening backward: early days of marine bioacoustics. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 730: 11-4 |
Mann DA, Higgs DM, Tavolga WN, et al. (2001) Ultrasound detection by clupeiform fishes. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 109: 3048-54 |
McFarland WN, Atema J, Fay RR, et al. (1988) Sensory biology of aquatic animals Copeia. 1989: 525 |
Popper AN, Tavolga WN. (1981) Structure and function of the ear in the marine catfish, Arius felis Journal of Comparative Physiology □ A. 144: 27-34 |
Tavolga WN. (1977) Mechanisms for directional hearing in the sea catfish (Arius felis). The Journal of Experimental Biology. 67: 97-115 |
Tavolga WN. (1971) 6 Sound Production and Detection Fish Physiology. 5: 135-205 |
Tavolga WN. (1966) The audio-ichthyotron--the evolution of an instrument for testing the auditory capacities of fishes. Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences. 28: 706-12 |
Tavolga WN, Wodinsky J. (1965) Auditory capacities in fishes: threshold variability in the blue-striped grunt, Haemulon sciurus. Animal Behaviour. 13: 301-11 |
Tavolga WN, Steinberg JC. (1961) Marne Animal Sounds. Science (New York, N.Y.). 134: 288 |
Tavolga WN, Steinberg JC. (1961) Marine animal sounds Science. 134: 288 |