Haipeng ( Chen, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2002 | University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN |
Marketing Business AdministrationGoogle:
"Haipeng Chen"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorAkshay Rao | grad student | 2002 | UMN | |
(When two and two is not equal to four: Errors in processing sequential percentage changes.) |
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Liu F, Zhu Z, Chen H(, et al. (2020) Beauty in the eyes of its beholders: Effects of design novelty on consumer preference Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 53: 101969 |
Lu Z, Bolton LE, Ng SSL, et al. (2020) The Price of Power: How Firm's Market Power Affects Perceived Fairness of Price Increases Journal of Retailing. 96: 220-234 |
Snir A, Levy D, Gotler A, et al. (2020) Not All Price Endings Are Created Equal: Price Points and Asymmetric Price Rigidity Journal of Monetary Economics. 110: 33-49 |
Sheehan D, Hardesty DM, Ziegler AH, et al. (2019) Consumer reactions to price discounts across online shopping experiences Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 51: 129-138 |
Chen H, Bolton LE, Ng S, et al. (2018) Culture, Relationship Norms, and Dual Entitlement Journal of Consumer Research. 45: 1-20 |
Wei J, Ouyang Z, Chen H(. (2018) CEO characteristics and corporate philanthropic giving in an emerging market: The case of China Journal of Business Research. 87: 1-11 |
Song R, Moon S, Chen H(, et al. (2018) When marketing strategy meets culture: the role of culture in product evaluations Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 46: 384-402 |
Chen H, Levy D, Snir A. (2017) End of 9-Endings and Price Perceptions Econstor Preprints |
Liu Y, Li KJ, Chen H(, et al. (2017) The Effects of Products’ Aesthetic Design on Demand and Marketing-Mix Effectiveness: The Role of Segment Prototypicality and Brand Consistency Journal of Marketing. 81: 83-102 |
Zhu Y, Chen H(. (2017) A tale of two brands: The joint effect of manufacturer and retailer brands on consumers’ product evaluation Journal of Brand Management. 24: 284-306 |