Chris A. Lawson, Ph.D.

2007 University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI 
Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
"Chris Lawson"
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Charles W. Kalish grad student 2007 UW Madison
 (The effect of probabilistic evidence on children's inductive generalizations.)
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Lawson CA. (2019) The impact of sequential and simultaneous presentation of evidence on diversity-based reasoning in preschoolers and adults Cognitive Development. 52: 100819
Lawson CA. (2018) Knowing when to trust a teacher: The contribution of category status and sample composition to young children's judgments of informant trustworthiness. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
Stanley SL, Lawson CA. (2018) Developing discerning consumers: an intervention to increase skepticism toward advertisements in 4- to 5-year-olds in the US Journal of Children and Media. 12: 211-225
Lawson CA. (2017) The Influence of Task Dynamics on Inductive Generalizations: How Sequential and Simultaneous Presentation of Evidence Impacts the Strength and Scope of Property Projections. Journal of Cognition and Development. 18: 493-513
Lawson CA, Fisher AV, Rakison DH. (2015) How Children Learn the Ins and Outs: A Training Study of Toddlers' Categorization of Animals Journal of Cognition and Development. 16: 236-251
Lawson CA. (2014) Three-year-olds obey the sample size principle of induction: the influence of evidence presentation and sample size disparity on young children's generalizations. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 123: 147-54
Lawson CA, Bower CA. (2014) Illusory correlations in preschoolers Cognitive Development. 31: 22-34
Lawson CA, Rakison DH. (2013) Expectations about single event probabilities in the first year of life: The influence of perceptual and statistical information. Infancy : the Official Journal of the International Society On Infant Studies. 18
Lawson CA, Fisher AV. (2011) It's in the sample: the effects of sample size and sample diversity on the breadth of inductive generalization. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 110: 499-519
Lawson CA, Kalish CW. (2009) Sample selection and inductive generalization. Memory & Cognition. 37: 596-607
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