David A. Lessard
Affiliations: | Psychology | University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT |
Visual perception, embodied cognitionWebsite:
"David Lessard"Mean distance: 19.3 (cluster 60) | S | N | B | C | P |
Cross-listing: PsychTree
Sign in to add mentorSarah H. Creem-Regehr | grad student | 2010- | University of Utah |
Jeanine K. Stefanucci | grad student | 2010- | University of Utah (PsychTree) |
Sign in to add collaboratorRichard Kyle Alley | collaborator | University of Utah | |
Michael N. Geuss | collaborator | University of Utah |
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Stefanucci JK, Creem-Regehr SH, Thompson WB, et al. (2015) Evaluating the Accuracy of Size Perception on Screen-Based Displays: Displayed Objects Appear Smaller Than Real Objects. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Applied |
Butner JE, Gagnon KT, Geuss MN, et al. (2015) Utilizing topology to generate and test theories of change. Psychological Methods. 20: 1-25 |
Geuss M, Lessard D, Stefanucci J, et al. (2012) A comparison of size perception in real and virtual environments using judgments of action capability. Journal of Vision. 12: 912-912 |
Lessard D, Creem-Regehr S, Stefanucci J. (2012) Effects of environment constraints and judgments about action on distance judgments Journal of Vision. 12: 1092-1092 |
Stefanucci JK, Lessard DA, Geuss MN, et al. (2012) Evaluating the accuracy of size perception in real and virtual environments Proceedings, Sap 2012 - Acm Symposium On Applied Perception. 79-82 |
Stefanucci JK, Gagnon KT, Lessard DA. (2011) Follow your heart: Emotion adaptively influences perception. Social and Personality Psychology Compass. 5: 296-308 |
Lessard DA, Tarampi MR, Geuss MN, et al. (2011) Overestimating action capabilities for passing through vertical and horizontal gaps under severely degraded vision F1000research. 11: 904-904 |
Lessard DA, Linkenauger SA, Proffitt DR. (2009) Look before you leap: jumping ability affects distance perception. Perception. 38: 1863-6 |