Camille Mazo, Ph.D

ENS Cachan 
 2011-2012 Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
 2013-2017 Institut Pasteur, Paris, Paris, France 
 2018- Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown 
Olfaction, Visual Cortex
"Camille Mazo"
Mean distance: 13.76 (cluster 11)
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Mazo C, Baeta M, Petreanu L. (2024) Auditory cortex conveys non-topographic sound localization signals to visual cortex. Nature Communications. 15: 3116
Mazo C, Nissant A, Saha S, et al. (2022) Long-range GABAergic projections contribute to cortical feedback control of sensory processing. Nature Communications. 13: 6879
Mazo C, Grimaud J, Shima Y, et al. (2017) Distinct projection patterns of different classes of layer 2 principal neurons in the olfactory cortex. Scientific Reports. 7: 8282
Mazo C, Lepousez G, Nissant A, et al. (2016) GABAB Receptors Tune Cortical Feedback to the Olfactory Bulb. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 36: 8289-304
Vangeneugden J, Mazo C, Lepousez G. (2015) Commentary: "Posttraining ablation of adult-generated olfactory granule cells degrades odor-reward memories". Frontiers in Neuroscience. 9: 110
Vangeneugden J, Mazo C, Lepousez G. (2015) Commentary: "Posttraining ablation of adult-generated olfactory granule cells degrades odor-reward memories" Frontiers in Neuroscience. 9
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