Yves-Michel Fontaine, Ed.D.

2010 Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY, United States 
Health Education, Counseling Psychology, Mental Health
"Yves-Michel Fontaine"
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Barbaba C. Wallace grad student 2010 Teachers College, Columbia University
 (Diffusion of an original sexual health group counseling intervention developed for stimulant using men who have sex with men.)
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Lyons T, Tilmon S, Fontaine Y. (2014) Development of a Small-Group Intervention for Stimulant-Using Men Who Have Sex With Men Journal of Groups in Addiction & Recovery. 9: 54-70
Wu E, El-Bassel N, Donald McVinney L, et al. (2010) Adaptation of a Couple-Based HIV Intervention for Methamphetamine-Involved African American Men who have Sex with Men. The Open Aids Journal. 4: 123-31
Mimiaga MJ, Reisner SL, Fontaine YM, et al. (2010) Walking the line: stimulant use during sex and HIV risk behavior among Black urban MSM. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 110: 30-7
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