Laura Sebastiani

University of Pisa, Pisa, Toscana, Italy 
"Laura Sebastiani"
Mean distance: 15.85 (cluster 6)
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Giusti G, Zelič Ž, Callara AL, et al. (2024) Interoception as a function of hypnotizability during rest and a heartbeat counting task. Psychophysiology. e14535
Cruz-Sanabria F, Faraguna U, Panu C, et al. (2024) Hypnotizability-related risky experience and behavior. Neuroscience Letters. 821: 137625
Callara AL, Zelič Ž, Fontanelli L, et al. (2023) Is Hypnotic Induction Necessary to Experience Hypnosis and Responsible for Changes in Brain Activity? Brain Sciences. 13
Zelič Ž, Sebastiani L, Santarcangelo EL. (2023) Association of Hypnotizability, Interoception, and Emotion. The International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. 71: 250-262
Callara AL, Fontanelli L, Belcari I, et al. (2023) Modulation of the heartbeat evoked cortical potential by hypnotizability and hypnosis. Psychophysiology. e14309
Biscuola E, Bongini M, Belcari I, et al. (2022) Well-Being in Highly Hypnotizable Persons. The International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. 70: 123-135
Billeci L, Faraguna U, Santarcangelo EL, et al. (2021) Heartbeat-Evoked Cortical Potential during Sleep and Interoceptive Sensitivity: A Matter of Hypnotizability. Brain Sciences. 11
Rosati A, Belcari I, Santarcangelo EL, et al. (2021) Interoceptive Accuracy as a Function of Hypnotizability. The International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. 1-12
Santarcangelo EL, Carli G, Sebastiani L. (2021) An evolutionary approach to hypnotizability. The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis. 63: 294-301
Lanatà A, Greco A, Ciardelli M, et al. (2021) Linear and non linear measures of pupil size as a function of hypnotizability. Scientific Reports. 11: 5196
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