Marc O. Ernst

Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany 
"Marc Ernst"
Mean distance: 13.75 (cluster 23)
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Glowania C, Ernst M, Hanke S, et al. (2024) Visual influence on bimanual haptic slant adaptation. Journal of Vision. 24: 8
Piller S, Senna I, Ernst MO. (2023) Visual experience shapes the Bouba-Kiki effect and the size-weight illusion upon sight restoration from congenital blindness. Scientific Reports. 13: 11435
Piller S, Senna I, Wiebusch D, et al. (2023) Grasping behavior does not recover after sight restoration from congenital blindness. Current Biology : Cb
Senna I, Piller S, Gori M, et al. (2022) The power of vision: calibration of auditory space after sight restoration from congenital cataracts. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 289: 20220768
Ryan CP, Ciotti S, Cosentino L, et al. (2022) Masking Vibrations and Contact Force Affect the Discrimination of Slip Motion Speed In Touch. Ieee Transactions On Haptics
Pesnot Lerousseau J, Parise CV, Ernst MO, et al. (2022) Multisensory correlation computations in the human brain identified by a time-resolved encoding model. Nature Communications. 13: 2489
Senna I, Andres E, McKyton A, et al. (2021) Development of multisensory integration following prolonged early-onset visual deprivation. Current Biology : Cb
Scotto CR, Moscatelli A, Pfeiffer T, et al. (2021) Visual pursuit biases tactile velocity perception. Journal of Neurophysiology
Naceri A, Gultekin YB, Moscatelli A, et al. (2021) Role of Tactile Noise in the Control of Digit Normal Force. Frontiers in Psychology. 12: 612558
Glowania C, Plaisier MA, Ernst MO, et al. (2020) No need to touch this: Bimanual haptic slant adaptation does not require touch. Plos One. 15: e0236824
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