Yutaka Oouchida, Ph.D

department of physical medicine and rehabilitation Tohoku University, Sendai-shi, Miyagi-ken, Japan 
motor learning, rehabilitation, phantom limb pain
"Yutaka Oouchida"
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Aizu N, Sudo T, Oouchida Y, et al. (2023) Facilitation of imitative movement in patients with chronic hemiplegia triggered by illusory ownership. Scientific Reports. 13: 16143
Takeuchi N, Sudo T, Oouchida Y, et al. (2019) Synchronous Neural Oscillation Between the Right Inferior Fronto-Parietal Cortices Contributes to Body Awareness. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 13: 330
Nagai M, Tanaka N, Oouchida Y, et al. (2018) Effect of Cathodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on a Child with Involuntary Movement after Hypoxic Encephalopathy. Case Reports in Medicine. 2018: 8934253
Oouchida Y, Sudo T, Inamura T, et al. (2015) Maladaptive change of body representation in the brain after damage to central or peripheral nervous system. Neuroscience Research
Sugiyama K, Kondo T, Suzukamo Y, et al. (2013) Clinical utility of diffusion tensor imaging and fibre tractography for evaluating diffuse axonal injury with hemiparesis. Case Reports in Medicine. 2013: 321496
Takeuchi N, Oouchida Y, Izumi S. (2012) Motor control and neural plasticity through interhemispheric interactions. Neural Plasticity. 2012: 823285
Kuramatsu Y, Muraki T, Oouchida Y, et al. (2012) Influence of constrained visual and somatic senses on controlling centre of mass during sit-to-stand. Gait & Posture. 36: 90-4
Naito E, Matsumoto R, Hagura N, et al. (2011) Importance of precentral motor regions in human kinesthesia: a single case study. Neurocase. 17: 133-47
Oouchida Y, Mori T, Suzuki E, et al. (2010) P11-1 Inhibitory 1Hz TMS to supplementary motor area reduced action tremor Clinical Neurophysiology. 121: S165
Hirose S, Oouchida Y, Matsumura M, et al. (2009) Viewing hand grip enhances observer's grip force in a body-part-specific manner. Neuroreport. 20: 1477-80
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