Ritsaert Lieverse, Ph.D., M.D.
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van Aubel E, Bakker JM, Batink T, et al. (2020) Blended care in the treatment of subthreshold symptoms of depression and psychosis in emerging adults: A randomised controlled trial of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Daily-Life (ACT-DL). Behaviour Research and Therapy. 128: 103592 |
Bakker JM, Goossens L, Kumar P, et al. (2018) From laboratory to life: associating brain reward processing with real-life motivated behaviour and symptoms of depression in non-help-seeking young adults. Psychological Medicine. 1-11 |
Bakker JM, Goossens L, Lange I, et al. (2017) Real-life validation of reduced reward processing in emerging adults with depressive symptoms. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 126: 713-725 |
Mentzel TQ, Lieverse R, Bloemen O, et al. (2017) High Incidence and Prevalence of Drug-Related Movement Disorders in Young Patients With Psychotic Disorders. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology |
Bais B, Kamperman AM, van der Zwaag MD, et al. (2016) Bright light therapy in pregnant women with major depressive disorder: study protocol for a randomized, double-blind, controlled clinical trial. Bmc Psychiatry. 16: 381 |
Rickelt J, Viechtbauer W, Lieverse R, et al. (2016) The relation between depressive and obsessive-compulsive symptoms in obsessive-compulsive disorder: Results from a large, naturalistic follow-up study. Journal of Affective Disorders. 203: 241-247 |
Bakker JM, Lieverse R, Menne-Lothmann C, et al. (2014) Therapygenetics in mindfulness-based cognitive therapy: do genes have an impact on therapy-induced change in real-life positive affective experiences? Translational Psychiatry. 4: e384 |
Frissen A, Lieverse R, Drukker M, et al. (2014) Evidence that childhood urban environment is associated with blunted stress reactivity across groups of patients with psychosis, relatives of patients and controls. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 49: 1579-87 |
Lieverse R, de Vries R, Hoogendoorn AW, et al. (2013) Social support and social rhythm regularity in elderly patients with major depressive disorder. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry : Official Journal of the American Association For Geriatric Psychiatry. 21: 1144-53 |
Lieverse R, Riemersma-van der Lek RF, Voermans JM, et al. (2012) [Chronotherapy for affective disorders]. Tijdschrift Voor Psychiatrie. 54: 527-37 |