Elizabeth H. Chen

Molecular Biology University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United States 
"Elizabeth Chen"
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Chen B, Chang BJ, Daetwyler S, et al. (2024) Projective light-sheet microscopy with flexible parameter selection. Nature Communications. 15: 2755
Luo Z, Shi J, Pandey P, et al. (2022) The cellular architecture and molecular determinants of the zebrafish fusogenic synapse. Developmental Cell
Zhang R, Lee DM, Jimah JR, et al. (2020) Dynamin regulates the dynamics and mechanical strength of the actin cytoskeleton as a multifilament actin-bundling protein. Nature Cell Biology
Kim JH, Chen EH. (2019) The fusogenic synapse at a glance. Journal of Cell Science. 132
Lee DM, Chen EH. (2019) Myoblast Fusion: Invasion and Resistance for the Ultimate Union. Annual Review of Genetics
Andrew DJ, Chen EH, Manoli DS, et al. (2019) Sex and the Single Fly: A Perspective on the Career of Bruce S. Baker. Genetics. 212: 365-376
Chen EH. (2018) Let curiosity lead you. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 29: 2603-2605
Duan R, Kim JH, Shilagardi K, et al. (2018) Spectrin is a mechanoresponsive protein shaping fusogenic synapse architecture during myoblast fusion. Nature Cell Biology. 20: 688-698
Shi J, Bi P, Pei J, et al. (2017) Requirement of the fusogenic micropeptide myomixer for muscle formation in zebrafish. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Antonny B, Burd C, De Camilli P, et al. (2016) Membrane fission by dynamin: what we know and what we need to know. The Embo Journal
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