Frank J. Snyder, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2011 | Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR |
Public Health, Behavioral Psychology, Health EducationGoogle:
"Frank Snyder"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Cross-listing: PHTree
Sign in to add mentorBrian R. Flay | grad student | 2011 | Oregon State | |
(Enhancing Social-Emotional and Character Development for Youths' Success: A Theoretical Orientation and an Evaluation Using a Cluster-Randomized Design.) |
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Riciputi S, McDonough MH, Snyder FJ, et al. (2020) Staff support promotes engagement in a physical activity-based positive youth development program for youth from low-income families. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology. 9: 45-57 |
McDavid L, McDonough MH, Wong JB, et al. (2019) Associations between participation in a Physical Activity-Based Positive Youth Development Program and Academic Outcomes. Journal of Adolescence. 77: 147-151 |
Riciputi S, Boyer P, McDonough MH, et al. (2018) Formative Evaluation of a Pilot Afterschool Physical Activity-Based Positive Youth Development Program. Health Promotion Practice. 1524839918759956 |
Bavarian N, Lewis KM, Dubois DL, et al. (2013) Using social-emotional and character development to improve academic outcomes: a matched-pair, cluster-randomized controlled trial in low-income, urban schools. The Journal of School Health. 83: 771-9 |
Snyder FJ, Acock AC, Vuchinich S, et al. (2013) Preventing negative behaviors among elementary-school students through enhancing students' social-emotional and character development. American Journal of Health Promotion : Ajhp. 28: 50-8 |
Lewis KM, Bavarian N, Snyder FJ, et al. (2012) Direct and Mediated Effects of a Social-Emotional and Character Development Program on Adolescent Substance Use. The International Journal of Emotional Education. 4: 56-78 |
Snyder FJ, Vuchinich S, Acock A, et al. (2012) Improving elementary school quality through the use of a social-emotional and character development program: a matched-pair, cluster-randomized, controlled trial in Hawai'i. The Journal of School Health. 82: 11-20 |
Washburn IJ, Acock A, Vuchinich S, et al. (2011) Effects of a social-emotional and character development program on the trajectory of behaviors associated with social-emotional and character development: findings from three randomized trials. Prevention Science : the Official Journal of the Society For Prevention Research. 12: 314-23 |
Li KK, Washburn I, DuBois DL, et al. (2011) Effects of the Positive Action programme on problem behaviours in elementary school students: a matched-pair randomised control trial in Chicago. Psychology & Health. 26: 187-204 |
Snyder F, Vuchinich S, Acock A, et al. (2010) Impact of the Positive Action program on school-level indicators of academic achievement, absenteeism, and disciplinary outcomes: A matched-pair, cluster randomized, controlled trial. Journal of Research On Educational Effectiveness. 3: 26-55 |