René Doursat
Affiliations: | Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, England, United Kingdom |
computational biology, bio-inspired computingWebsite:
"René Doursat"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorElie L. Bienenstock | grad student | 1991 | Universite Paris 6 |
Christoph von der Malsburg | post-doc | 1991-1994 | Ruhr-Universität Bochum |
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Delile J, Herrmann M, Peyriéras N, et al. (2017) A cell-based computational model of early embryogenesis coupling mechanical behaviour and gene regulation. Nature Communications. 8: 13929 |
Villoutreix P, Delile J, Rizzi B, et al. (2016) An integrated modelling framework from cells to organism based on a cohort of digital embryos. Scientific Reports. 6: 37438 |
Pascalie J, Potier M, Kowaliw T, et al. (2016) Developmental Design of Synthetic Bacterial Architectures by Morphogenetic Engineering. Acs Synthetic Biology |
Banzhaf W, Baumgaertner B, Beslon G, et al. (2016) Defining and simulating open-ended novelty: requirements, guidelines, and challenges. Theory in Biosciences = Theorie in Den Biowissenschaften |
Faure E, Savy T, Rizzi B, et al. (2016) A workflow to process 3D+time microscopy images of developing organisms and reconstruct their cell lineage. Nature Communications. 7: 8674 |
Varenne F, Chaigneau P, Petitot J, et al. (2015) Programming the emergence in morphogenetically architected complex systems. Acta Biotheoretica. 63: 295-308 |
Wang O, Doursat R, Bourgine P. (2014) A Hybrid Off/On-Lattice Model of Emergence and Maintenance Autopoiesis Artificial Life. 532-538 |
Doursat R, Sayama H, Michel O. (2013) A review of morphogenetic engineering Natural Computing. 12: 517-535 |
Joachimczak M, Kowaliw T, Doursat R, et al. (2013) Evolutionary design of soft-bodied animats with decentralized control Artificial Life and Robotics. 18: 152-160 |
Ulieru M, Doursat R. (2011) Emergent engineering: a radical paradigm shift International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems. 4: 39-60 |