Marta Russo, Ph.D.

2018- Biology Northeastern University, Boston, Boston, MA, United States 
motor control, catching, virtual reality
"Marta Russo"
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Russo M, Scano A, Brambilla C, et al. (2024) SynergyAnalyzer: A Matlab toolbox implementing mixed-matrix factorization to identify kinematic-muscular synergies. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 251: 108217
Brambilla C, Russo M, d'Avella A, et al. (2023) Phasic and tonic muscle synergies are different in number, structure and sparseness. Human Movement Science. 92: 103148
Nah MC, Krotov A, Russo M, et al. (2023) Learning to manipulate a whip with simple primitive actions - A simulation study. Iscience. 26: 107395
d'Avella A, Russo M, Berger DJ, et al. (2023) Neuromuscular invariants in action execution and perception: Comment on "Motor invariants in action execution and perception" by Torricelli et al. Physics of Life Reviews. 45: 63-65
Park SW, Cardinaux A, Crozier D, et al. (2023) Developmental change in predictive motor abilities. Iscience. 26: 106038
Krotov A, Russo M, Nah M, et al. (2022) Motor control beyond reach-how humans hit a target with a whip. Royal Society Open Science. 9: 220581
Russo M, Lee J, Hogan N, et al. (2022) Mechanical effects of canes on standing posture: beyond perceptual information. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation. 19: 97
Shiozawa K, Lee J, Russo M, et al. (2021) Frequency-dependent force direction elucidates neural control of balance. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation. 18: 145
Leib R, Russo M, d'Avella A, et al. (2020) A bang-bang control model predicts the triphasic muscles activity during hand reaching. Journal of Neurophysiology
Maselli A, Dhawan A, Russo M, et al. (2019) A whole-body characterization of individual strategies, gender differences and common styles in overarm throwing. Journal of Neurophysiology
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