Rachel M. Flynn, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2013 | Psychology | University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA, United States |
Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Mass Communications, RecreationGoogle:
"Rachel Flynn"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorRebekah A. Richert | grad student | 2013 | UC Riverside | |
(Acute Effects of Exercise, Physically Active Video Game Play, and Inactive Video Game Play on Executive Functioning Skills in Children.) |
Sign in to add collaboratorErica Kleinknecht | collaborator | San Francisco State (PsychTree) |
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Flynn RM, Colón-Acosta N, Zhou J, et al. (2019) A Game-Based Repeated Assessment for Cognitive Monitoring: Initial Usability and Adherence Study in a Summer Camp Setting. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders |
Samudra PG, Flynn RM, Wong KM. (2019) Coviewing Educational Media: Does Coviewing Help Low-Income Preschoolers Learn Auditory and Audiovisual Vocabulary Associations? Aera Open. 5: 233285841985323 |
Schlesinger MA, Flynn RM, Richert RA. (2019) Do parents care about TV? how parent factors mediate US children’s media exposure and receptive vocabulary Journal of Children and Media. 13: 395-414 |
Flynn RM, Wong KM, Neuman SB, et al. (2019) Children’s attention to screen-based pedagogical supports: an eye-tracking study with low-income preschool children in the United States Journal of Children and Media. 13: 180-200 |
Neuman SB, Wong KM, Flynn R, et al. (2019) Learning vocabulary from educational media: The role of pedagogical supports for low-income preschoolers. Journal of Educational Psychology. 111: 32-44 |
Flynn RM, Ricker AA, Dolezal C, et al. (2019) Residential summer camp for youth with special needs: A longitudinal approach to investigating differences in social skills Children and Youth Services Review. 96: 354-363 |
Flynn RM, Staiano AE, Beyl R, et al. (2018) The Influence of Active Gaming on Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Black and Hispanic Youth. The Journal of School Health. 88: 768-775 |
Flynn RM, Richert RA. (2018) Cognitive, not physical, engagement in video gaming influences executive functioning Journal of Cognition and Development. 19: 1-20 |
Flynn RM, Colon N. (2016) Solitary Active Videogame Play Improves Executive Functioning More Than Collaborative Play for Children with Special Needs. Games For Health Journal. 5: 398-404 |
Schlesinger MA, Flynn RM, Richert RA. (2016) US preschoolers’ trust of and learning from media characters Journal of Children and Media. 10: 321-340 |