Eugenia Gorlin

University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 
"Eugenia Gorlin"
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Steinman SA, Namaky N, Toton SL, et al. (2021) Which variations of a brief cognitive bias modification session for interpretations lead to the strongest effects? Cognitive Therapy and Research. 45: 367-382
Gorlin EI, Teachman BA. (2020) It Matters What and Why We Forget: Comment on Fawcett and Hulbert Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. 9: 42-47
Gorlin EI, Werntz AJ, Fua KC, et al. (2018) Remembering or knowing how we felt: Depression and anxiety symptoms predict retrieval processes during emotional self-report. Emotion (Washington, D.C.)
Roberson-Nay R, Gorlin EI, Beadel JR, et al. (2017) Temporal Stability of Multiple Response Systems to 7.5% Carbon Dioxide Challenge. Biological Psychology
Gorlin EI, Teachman BA. (2017) The “How” and the “Why” of Restoring Goal-Pursuit after a Failure Journal of Experimental Psychopathology. 8: 88-109
Chow PI, Gorlin EI, Beadel JR, et al. (2017) Examining the Association between Trait Mindfulness and Distress in Response to a Repeated CO2 Challenge Mindfulness. 9: 925-938
Gorlin EI, Lambert AE, Teachman BA. (2016) When does it hurt to try? Effort as a mediator of the links between anxiety symptoms and the frequency and duration of unwanted thought recurrence Personality and Individual Differences. 98: 137-144
Gorlin EI, Teachman BA. (2015) Threat Interference Biases Predict Socially Anxious Behavior: The Role of Inhibitory Control and Minute of Stressor. Behavior Therapy. 46: 493-509
Savage JE, McMichael O, Gorlin EI, et al. (2015) Validation of candidate anxiety disorder genes using a carbon dioxide challenge task. Biological Psychology. 109: 61-6
Roberson-Nay R, Beadel JR, Gorlin EI, et al. (2015) Examining the latent class structure of CO2 hypersensitivity using time course trajectories of panic response systems. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. 47: 68-76
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