Jorge Brotons-Mas

CEU San Pablo University 
"Jorge Brotons-Mas"
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Valero M, Averkin RG, Fernandez-Lamo I, et al. (2017) Mechanisms for Selective Single-Cell Reactivation during Offline Sharp-Wave Ripples and Their Distortion by Fast Ripples. Neuron. 94: 1234-1247.e7
Del Pino I, Brotons-Mas JR, Marques-Smith A, et al. (2017) Abnormal wiring of CCK(+) basket cells disrupts spatial information coding. Nature Neuroscience
Brotons-Mas JR, Schaffelhofer S, Guger C, et al. (2016) Heterogeneous spatial representation by different subpopulations of neurons in the subiculum. Neuroscience. 343: 174-189
Lopez-Pigozzi D, Laurent F, Brotons-Mas JR, et al. (2016) Altered Oscillatory Dynamics of CA1 Parvalbumin Basket Cells during Theta-Gamma Rhythmopathies of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. Eneuro. 3
Laurent F, Brotons-Mas JR, Cid E, et al. (2015) Proximodistal structure of theta coordination in the dorsal hippocampus of epileptic rats. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 35: 4760-75
Inostroza M, Brotons-Mas JR, Laurent F, et al. (2013) Specific impairment of "what-where-when" episodic-like memory in experimental models of temporal lobe epilepsy. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 33: 17749-62
Bellistri E, Aguilar J, Brotons-Mas JR, et al. (2013) Basic properties of somatosensory-evoked responses in the dorsal hippocampus of the rat. The Journal of Physiology. 591: 2667-86
Suárez LM, Cid E, Gal B, et al. (2012) Systemic injection of kainic acid differently affects LTP magnitude depending on its epileptogenic efficiency. Plos One. 7: e48128
Inostroza M, Cid E, Brotons-Mas J, et al. (2011) Hippocampal-dependent spatial memory in the water maze is preserved in an experimental model of temporal lobe epilepsy in rats. Plos One. 6: e22372
Guger C, Gener T, Pennartz CM, et al. (2011) Real-time position reconstruction with hippocampal place cells. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 5: 85
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