Elisabeth Demont

Strasbourg, Strasbourg, Grand Est, France 
"Elisabeth Demont"
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Commissaire E, Demont E. (2021) Investigating L2 reading aloud and silent reading in typically developing readers and dyslexic adolescents from grades 6 to 9. Dyslexia (Chichester, England)
Commissaire E, Demont E, Besse A. (2020) Introduction to the special issue on Written Language Learning European Review of Applied Psychology. 70: 100526
Commissaire E, Besse AS, Demont E, et al. (2018) Grapheme coding during sublexical processing in French third and fifth graders. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 173: 78-84
Reder F, Marec-Breton N, Gombert JE, et al. (2013) Second-language learners' advantage in metalinguistic awareness: a question of languages' characteristics. The British Journal of Educational Psychology. 83: 686-702
Reder F, Daigle D, Demont E. (2013) Metalinguistic development in French learners enrolled in an immersion programme: A longitudinal study European Journal of Developmental Psychology. 10: 476-494
Aparicio M, Demont E, Metz-Lutz M, et al. (2013) Why do deaf participants have a lower performance than hearing participants in a visual rhyming task: a phonological hypothesis Reading and Writing. 27: 31-54
Daigle D, Berthiaume R, Plisson A, et al. (2012) Graphophonological processes in dyslexic readers of French: a longitudinal study of the explicitness effect of tasks. Annals of Dyslexia. 62: 82-99
Daigle D, Berthiaume R, Demont E. (2012) The effect of task in deaf readers' graphophonological processes: a longitudinal study. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. 17: 352-66
Nithart C, Demont E, Metz-Lutz M, et al. (2010) Early contribution of phonological awareness and later influence of phonological memory throughout reading acquisition Journal of Research in Reading. 34: 346-363
Aparicio M, Demont E, Gounot D, et al. (2009) Is there an alternative cerebral network associated with enhanced phonological processing in deaf speech-users? An exceptional case. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. 50: 445-55
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