Taehun Lee, Ph.D.

Psychology University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, United States 
Quantitative Psychology
"Taehun Lee"
Mean distance: 21.09 (cluster 13)
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Cai L, Chung SW, Lee T. (2021) Incremental Model Fit Assessment in the Case of Categorical Data: Tucker-Lewis Index for Item Response Theory Modeling. Prevention Science : the Official Journal of the Society For Prevention Research
Shi D, DiStefano C, Maydeu-Olivares A, et al. (2021) Evaluating SEM Model Fit with Small Degrees of Freedom. Multivariate Behavioral Research. 1-36
Lee T, Shi D. (2021) A comparison of full information maximum likelihood and multiple imputation in structural equation modeling with missing data. Psychological Methods
Shi D, Lee T, Fairchild AJ, et al. (2020) Fitting Ordinal Factor Analysis Models With Missing Data: A Comparison Between Pairwise Deletion and Multiple Imputation. Educational and Psychological Measurement. 80: 41-66
Shi D, Lee T, Maydeu-Olivares A. (2019) Understanding the Model Size Effect on SEM Fit Indices. Educational and Psychological Measurement. 79: 310-334
Lee T, MacCallum RC, Browne MW. (2017) Fungible Parameter Estimates in Structural Equation Modeling. Psychological Methods
Lu K, Joo S, Lee T, et al. (2017) Factors that influence query reformulations and search performance in health information retrieval: A multilevel modeling approach Journal of the Association For Information Science and Technology. 68: 1886-1898
Shi D, Lee T, Terry RA. (2015) Abstract: Revisiting the Model Size Effect in Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Multivariate Behavioral Research. 50: 142
Chung CR, Liao X, Song H, et al. (2015) Bifactor Approach to Modeling Multi-Dimensionality of Physical Self-Perception Profile Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science
Lee T, Cai L, Kuhfeld M. (2015) A Poor Person’s Posterior Predictive Checking of Structural Equation Models Structural Equation Modeling
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