David A. Robinson
Affiliations: | Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD |
"David Robinson"Mean distance: 13.61 (cluster 17)
Sign in to add traineeJoe Demer | grad student | Johns Hopkins Medical School | |
Anne Luebke | grad student | Johns Hopkins Medical School | |
Albert F. Fuchs | grad student | 1966 | Johns Hopkins |
Edward L. Keller | grad student | 1971 | Johns Hopkins |
Lance M. Optican | grad student | 1972-1978 | Johns Hopkins Medical School |
Joseph L. Demer | grad student | 1981 | Johns Hopkins (Biomechanics Tree) |
Stephen C. Cannon | grad student | 1980-1986 | Johns Hopkins Medical School |
Donald Arnold | grad student | 1988-1992 | Johns Hopkins Medical School |
Joel M. Miller | post-doc | Johns Hopkins | |
Alexander A. Skavenski | post-doc | Johns Hopkins | |
Thomas J. Anastasio | post-doc | 1986-1988 | Johns Hopkins |
Mark Shelhamer | post-doc | 1990-1992 | Johns Hopkins |
David S. Zee | research scientist |
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Robinson DA. (2022) The neurophysiology of pursuit. Progress in Brain Research. 267: 423-435 |
Robinson DA. (2022) Models of pursuit. Progress in Brain Research. 267: 411-422 |
Robinson DA. (2022) Properties of pursuit movements. Progress in Brain Research. 267: 391-410 |
Robinson DA. (2022) Eye stabilization. Progress in Brain Research. 267: 379-390 |
Robinson DA. (2022) Neurophysiology of the saccadic system: The reticular formation. Progress in Brain Research. 267: 355-378 |
Robinson DA. (2022) Behavior of the saccadic system: Metrics of timing and accuracy. Progress in Brain Research. 267: 329-353 |
Robinson DA. (2022) The quick-phase system. Progress in Brain Research. 267: 319-327 |
Robinson DA. (2022) Neurophysiology, pathology and models of rapid eye movements. Progress in Brain Research. 267: 287-317 |
Robinson DA. (2022) Properties of rapid eye movements. Progress in Brain Research. 267: 271-286 |
Robinson DA. (2022) Signal processing in the vestibulo-ocular reflex. Progress in Brain Research. 267: 169-181 |