Tracy L. Johnson, MS
Affiliations: | NASA Biomedical Research Institute, Houston |
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Johnson TL, Clemens S. (2020) Differential dopamine modulation of spinal reflex amplitudes is associated with the presence or absence of the autonomic nervous system. Neuroscience Letters. 135514 |
Lyu S, Doroodchi A, Xing H, et al. (2020) BTBD9 and dopaminergic dysfunction in the pathogenesis of restless legs syndrome. Brain Structure & Function |
Johnson TL, Tulis DA, Keeler BE, et al. (2013) The dopamine D3 receptor knockout mouse mimics aging-related changes in autonomic function and cardiac fibrosis. Plos One. 8: e74116 |
Virag JA, Anderson EJ, Kent SD, et al. (2013) Cardioprotection via preserved mitochondrial structure and function in the mPer2-mutant mouse myocardium. American Journal of Physiology. Heart and Circulatory Physiology. 305: H477-83 |