Maria Teresa Jurado-Parras, PhD
Affiliations: | Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Dos Hermanas, Andalucía, Spain |
"Maria Teresa Jurado-Parras"Mean distance: 106866
Sign in to add mentorJose M. Delgado-Garcia | grad student | ||
Liset Menendez de la Prida | post-doc | ||
David Robbe | post-doc | Institut de neurobiologie de la méditerranée (INMED) |
Sign in to add collaboratorGermán Vega-Flores | collaborator | Universidad Pablo de Olavide |
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Navas-Olive A, Amaducci R, Jurado-Parras MT, et al. (2022) Deep learning based feature extraction for prediction and interpretation of sharp-wave ripples in the rodent hippocampus. Elife. 11 |
Jurado-Parras MT, Safaie M, Sarno S, et al. (2020) The Dorsal Striatum Energizes Motor Routines. Current Biology : Cb |
Safaie M, Jurado-Parras MT, Sarno S, et al. (2020) Turning the body into a clock: Accurate timing is facilitated by simple stereotyped interactions with the environment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |
Badurek S, Griguoli M, Asif-Malik A, et al. (2020) Immature Dentate Granule Cells Require Ntrk2/Trkb for the Formation of Functional Hippocampal Circuitry. Iscience. 23: 101078 |
Lalla L, Rueda Orozco PE, Jurado-Parras MT, et al. (2017) Local or Not Local: Investigating the Nature of Striatal Theta Oscillations in Behaving Rats. Eneuro. 4 |
Vega-Flores G, Rubio SE, Jurado-Parras MT, et al. (2014) The GABAergic septohippocampal pathway is directly involved in internal processes related to operant reward learning. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 24: 2093-107 |
Jurado-Parras MT, Sánchez-Campusano R, Castellanos NP, et al. (2013) Differential contribution of hippocampal circuits to appetitive and consummatory behaviors during operant conditioning of behaving mice. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 33: 2293-304 |
Gruart A, Madroñal N, Jurado-Parras MT, et al. (2013) Synaptic plasticity studies and their applicability in mouse models of neurodegenerative diseases Translational Neuroscience. 4: 134-143 |
Jurado-Parras MT, Gruart A, Delgado-García JM. (2012) Observational learning in mice can be prevented by medial prefrontal cortex stimulation and enhanced by nucleus accumbens stimulation. Learning & Memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.). 19: 99-106 |
López-Ramos JC, Jurado-Parras MT, Sanfeliu C, et al. (2012) Learning capabilities and CA1-prefrontal synaptic plasticity in a mice model of accelerated senescence. Neurobiology of Aging. 33: 627.e13-26 |