Lena Harder
Affiliations: | 2005-2006 | Cellualr Biochemistry | NKI Netherlands Cancer Institute Amsterdam |
"Lena Harder"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorNicolai E. Savaskan | grad student | 2005-2006 | NKI Netherlands Cancer Institute Amsterdam |
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Harder L, Puller AC, Horstmann MA. (2014) ZNF423: Transcriptional modulation in development and cancer. Molecular & Cellular Oncology. 1: e969655 |
Korf K, Wodrich H, Haschke A, et al. (2014) The PML domain of PML-RARα blocks senescence to promote leukemia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111: 12133-8 |
Wetzel C, Hu J, Riethmacher D, et al. (2007) A stomatin-domain protein essential for touch sensation in the mouse. Nature. 445: 206-9 |