Monique L. Smith, PhD
Affiliations: | 2005-2010 | Behavioral Neuroscience | California State University San Marcos |
2010-2011 | Psychology | University of California Los Angeles School of Medicine | |
2011-2016 | Behavioral Neuroscience | Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR | |
2016-2021 | Psychiatry | Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA | |
2021-2022 | Psychological sciences | University of San Diego, San Diego, CA, United States |
Addiction, Pain, Social behaviorWebsite:
"Monique Smith"Mean distance: 15.19 (cluster 19) | S | N | B | C | P |
Cross-listing: Anatomy Tree
Sign in to add mentorChris Evans | research assistant | Brain Research Institute, UCLA | |
amynah pradhan | research assistant | 2010-2011 | UCLA |
Keith Trujillo | grad student | OHSU | |
Mary M. Heinricher | grad student | 2011-2016 | OHSU |
Andrey E. Ryabinin | grad student | 2012-2016 | OHSU |
Robert C. Malenka | post-doc | 2016- | Stanford |
Sign in to add collaboratorMary M. Heinricher | collaborator | OHSU | |
amynah pradhan | collaborator | Brain Research Institute, UCLA |
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Rein B, Jones E, Tuy S, et al. (2022) Protocols for the social transfer of pain and analgesia in mice. Star Protocols. 3: 101756 |
Zuniga A, Smith ML, Caruso M, et al. (2021) Vesicular glutamate transporter 2-containing neurons of the centrally-projecting Edinger-Westphal nucleus regulate alcohol drinking and body temperature. Neuropharmacology. 108795 |
Ho AL, Feng AY, Barbosa DAN, et al. (2021) Accumbens coordinated reset stimulation in mice exhibits ameliorating aftereffects on binge alcohol drinking. Brain Stimulation |
Smith ML, Asada N, Malenka RC. (2021) Anterior cingulate inputs to nucleus accumbens control the social transfer of pain and analgesia. Science (New York, N.Y.). 371: 153-159 |
Walcott AT, Smith ML, Loftis JM, et al. (2018) Social transfer of alcohol withdrawal-induced hyperalgesia in female prairie voles. Social Neuroscience |
Smith ML, Walcott AT, Heinricher MM, et al. (2017) Anterior Cingulate Cortex Contributes to Alcohol Withdrawal- Induced and Socially Transferred Hyperalgesia. Eneuro. 4 |
Giardino WJ, Rodriguez ED, Smith ML, et al. (2017) Control of chronic excessive alcohol drinking by genetic manipulation of the Edinger-Westphal nucleus urocortin-1 neuropeptide system. Translational Psychiatry. 7: e1021 |
Smith ML, Walcott A, Hostetler C, et al. (2017) Social transfer of alcohol withdrawal induced hyperalgesia Alcohol. 60: 209 |
Smith ML, Hostetler CM, Heinricher MM, et al. (2016) Social transfer of pain in mice. Science Advances. 2: e1600855 |
Pradhan AA, Perroy J, Walwyn WM, et al. (2016) Agonist-Specific Recruitment of Arrestin Isoforms Differentially Modify Delta Opioid Receptor Function. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 36: 3541-51 |