Molly Simmonite
Affiliations: | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI |
connectivity, schizophrenia, aging, fMRI, EEGGoogle:
"Molly Simmonite"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorPeter Liddle | grad student | 2009-2013 | Nottingham |
Thad Polk | post-doc | 2016-2021 | University of Michigan |
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Simmonite M, Khammash D, Michon KJ, et al. (2024) Age and visual cortex inhibition: a TMS-MRS study. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 34 |
Simmonite M, Steeby CJ, Taylor SF. (2022) Medial Frontal Cortex GABA Concentrations in Psychosis Spectrum and Mood Disorders: A Meta-analysis of Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Studies. Biological Psychiatry |
Michon KJ, Khammash D, Simmonite M, et al. (2022) Person-specific and precision neuroimaging: Current methods and future directions. Neuroimage. 263: 119589 |
Chamberlain JD, Gagnon H, Lalwani P, et al. (2021) GABA levels in ventral visual cortex decline with age and are associated with neural distinctiveness. Neurobiology of Aging. 102: 170-177 |
Briley PM, Liddle EB, Simmonite M, et al. (2020) Regional Brain Correlates of Beta Bursts in Health and Psychosis: A Concurrent Electroencephalography and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. Biological Psychiatry. Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging |
Luo Q, Pan B, Gu H, et al. (2020) Effective connectivity of the right anterior insula in schizophrenia: The salience network and task-negative to task-positive transition. Neuroimage. Clinical. 28: 102377 |
Cassady K, Gagnon H, Freiburger E, et al. (2020) Network segregation varies with neural distinctiveness in sensorimotor cortex. Neuroimage. 116663 |
Khammash D, Simmonite M, Polk T, et al. (2020) P114 Probing cortical inhibition in visual cortex with paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation Clinical Neurophysiology. 131: e76 |
Khammash D, Simmonite M, Polk TA, et al. (2019) Temporal Dynamics of Corticocortical Inhibition in Human Visual Cortex: A TMS Study. Neuroscience |
Lalwani P, Gagnon H, Cassady K, et al. (2019) Neural distinctiveness declines with age in auditory cortex and is associated with auditory GABA levels. Neuroimage. 116033 |